
March 15, 2016

2 welding systems and welding and argon for welding aluminum.

Standard kit

1. Argon Welding HITRONIC version TIG250AC / DC / 220V.

2. argon welding (WP-26) a length of 5 meters.

3. A package Argonne

4. Gas braided fiber lengths clear 2 meters.

5. tie the two gas lines.

6. a sweatshirt hood.

7. gloves for welding

March 15, 2016

Standard kit

1. Argon Welding HITRONIC version TIG200S / 220V.

2. argon welding (WP-26) a length of 5 meters.

3. A package Argonne

4. Gas braided fiber lengths clear 2 meters.

5. tie the two gas lines.

6. a sweatshirt hood.

7. gloves for welding

March 15, 2016

Mick Welding, Welding CO2 generation MIG250S.

Standard kit

1. Argon Welding HITRONIC version MIG250 / 220V.

2. The cable length is 5 meters in central Bangkok.

3. package a central Bangkok.

4. Gas braided fiber lengths clear 2 meters.

5. tie the two gas lines.

6. a sweatshirt hood.

7. gloves for welding

March 10, 2016

2 argon welding systems and welding.

Standard kit

1. Argon Welding HITRONIC version TIG300A / 220V.

2. argon welding (WP-26) a length of 5 meters.

3. A package Argonne

4. Gas braided fiber lengths clear 2 meters.

5. tie the two gas lines.

6. a sweatshirt hood.

7. gloves for welding

March 10, 2016

2 argon welding systems and welding.

Standard kit

1. Argon Welding HITRONIC version TIG200A / 220V.

2. argon welding (WP-26) a length of 5 meters.

3. A package Argonne

4. Gas braided fiber lengths clear 2 meters.

5. tie the two gas lines.

6. a sweatshirt hood.

7. gloves for welding

March 10, 2016

Welding is a welding machine argon argon or tick (TIG) system. INVERTER is connected by using argon gas to weld surface area. Outside air can not get in? As a result, the weld smooth The argon gas is readily available in the market. Manufactured with materials that are highly durable. Saving electricity than conventional welding transformer. Shaped petite. Cooling fans Using DC Plug Power is available immediately (No adapter required) and over current protection, low voltage.

Argon Welding SKY HORSE INVERTER System TIG200A

Welding is a welding machine argon argon or tick (TIG) system. INVERTER is connected by using argon gas to weld surface area. Outside air can not get in? As a result, the weld smooth The argon gas is readily available in the market. Manufactured with materials that are highly durable. Saving electricity than conventional welding transformer. Shaped petite. Cooling fans Using DC Plug Power is available immediately (No adapter required) and over current protection, low voltage. Designed to be used with many types TIG200A both welding and argon welding.